# Owen's ExoCortex #### (It's almost as much of a mess my actual brain) Hey! Welcome to my collection of half-formed, half baked and kinda chaotic notes. This is heavily inspired by [Nicole van der Hoeven](https://notes.nicolevanderhoeven.com/) and the more general [learning in public](https://www.mickmel.com/learning-in-public/) approach. Consider it a bit of an experiment. What really kicked this off was trying to learn more about C# and Dotnet due to work, combined with wanting to be more 'public' about how even when you're experienced in a field learning is a whole thing in it's own right. Outside of that, I'm pretty big proponent of open source and this feels like a natural extension of it. ### Is this a blog ? Nope! I do have one. Well. I have the skeleton of one: [obowersa.net](https://obowersa.net). This is very much for things which aren't blog worthy. Random ideas, thoughts, notes and cool things I've learnt. Some of these might eventually feed into blog posts however. ### Will every note be public ? Also no. I make heavy use of obsidian and some of it is pretty private. What I'm aiming to do here is capture things releated to 'learning', whatever that may entail. Initially I'm going to be publishing the C# and dotnet notes but as I go back through some of my older notes and identify ones which fall under this umbrella, or as I go down rabbit holes on new things, that'll get added as well. ### What's powering it behind the scenes At the time of writing I'm putting this together using Obsidian + Obsidian Publish. This is subject to change at any point